Dry Needling: OTAC recently received this written statement from DORA after sharing the AOTA position paper on dry needling and requesting a ruling.
Reminder: OTP's cannot perform dry needling in Colorado. OT's in Colorado are not permitted by statute or rule to perform dry needling, a modality that presents unique risks and requires specific training.
In contrast, both physical therapists and chiropractors have explicit authorizations in statute to puncture skin with needles, and both have rules specific to dry needling that require additional training and signed client consent forms to perform the modality.
Remember that the Department of Regulatory Agencies is an executive branch agency and acts to enforce laws made by the Colorado General Assembly.
OTAC will be working with our lobbyists and continuing to research with stakeholders the support and opposition in the state for potential future legislation regarding dry needling. We will share updates in emails and on the website as we progress in the process.